Change Default Folder Windows 10
Version 5.5.7 of Default Folder X is available!
Default Folder X Mac
The process of setting a default folder for downloads, documents, and other personal files is going to be the same and thus, I will show you, how you can set a default Downloads folder. You can follow the exact same steps if you want to set a default Documents folder, Picture folder Videos folder, and even your Desktop folder, where you have. Default Folder X was added on AlternativeTo by on Mar 8, 2011 and this page was last updated on Nov 27, 2014. AlternativeTo is a free service that helps you find better alternatives to the products you love and hate. Files is a file manager which leverages the latest features of the Windows platform including Fluent Design, seamless updates, and APIs which enable the performance and lifecycle behavior that users expect. Whether you want to simplify your experience with your files or try something new, Files is a one-stop solution for exploring your files on.
For folks that use Path Finder (an excellent Power User’s alternative to the Finder), you’ll be happy to know that Path Finder is now a fully supported alternative when you’re using Default Folder X. Anywhere that DFX integrates with the Finder, it will now use Path Finder if it’s running.

New in this release is the ability to add Default Folder X’s shortcut buttons to Path Finder’s toolbars. This lets you quickly pop up Default Folder X’s menus or slide out its drag-and-drop drawer by clicking a button in the toolbar.

Change Default Document Folder
Default Folder X also now “sees” all of the tabs in Path Finder’s windows. Every folder that you have in a Path Finder window will be shown in Default Folder X’s “Finder Windows” menu and highlighted by it’s Finder-click feature in Open and Save dialogs.
For those of you that _don’t_ use Path Finder, this release delivers a bunch of important bug fixes, so please don’t pass it up. Chief among them are fixes for the occasional disappearing cursor in Open and Save dialogs (finally), better reliability when switching between folders, and the elimination of a hang that could occur as Default Folder X was launching.
Download links and a full list of changes are available on the Default Folder X Release Page, or if you’re already running Default Folder X, just choose “Check for Update” from its menu to get the update. Epr software mac download.