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Contains status information for a service. TheControlService,EnumDependentServices,EnumServicesStatus, andQueryServiceStatus functions use this structure. A service uses this structure in theSetServiceStatus function to report its current status to the service control manager.
Udo Dirkschneider has once again ruled out the possibility of a reunion with ACCEPT. The 69-year-old singer, who last reconnected with ACCEPT in 2005 for a number of exclusive shows, discussed. If you accept the job but continue to interview, manage your risks in the immediate term as you sort out all the different options. In the longer-term, manage your career more proactively. You felt the need to accept an offer that is less-than-ideal.
I accept your resignation. ← accept is a verb that describes an action or state I like all ice cream except maple walnut. ← except is a preposition or conjunction that establishes a relationship between words. Accept it, you are defeated. ← accept can be used to describe recognition of an idea or situation. The Lord accept thy burnt sacrifice. To admit to a place or a group. The Boy Scouts were going to accept him as a member. To regard as proper, usual, true, or to believe in. I accept the fact that Christ lived. To receive as adequate or satisfactory. To receive or admit to; to agree to; to assent to; to submit to.
The type of service. This member can be one of the following values.
Value | Meaning |
| The service is a file system driver. |
| The service is a device driver. |
| The service runs in its own process. |
| The service shares a process with other services. |
| The service runs in its own process under the logged-on user account. |
| The service shares a process with one or more other services that run under the logged-on user account. |

If the service type is either SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS or SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS, and the service is running in the context of theLocalSystem account, the following type may also be specified.

Value | Meaning |
| The service can interact with the desktop. For more information, seeInteractive Services. |
The current state of the service. This member can be one of the following values.
Value | Meaning |
| The service continue is pending. |
| The service pause is pending. |
| The service is paused. |
| The service is running. |
| The service is starting. |
| The service is stopping. |
| The service is not running. |
The control codes the service accepts and processes in its handler function (seeHandler andHandlerEx). A user interface process can control a service by specifying a control command in theControlService or ControlServiceEx function. By default, all services accept the SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE value.
To accept the SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT value, the service must register to receive device events by using the RegisterDeviceNotification function.
The following are the control codes.
Control code | Meaning |
| The service is a network component that can accept changes in its binding without being stopped and restarted. This control code allows the service to receive SERVICE_CONTROL_NETBINDADD, SERVICE_CONTROL_NETBINDREMOVE, SERVICE_CONTROL_NETBINDENABLE, and SERVICE_CONTROL_NETBINDDISABLE notifications. |
| The service can reread its startup parameters without being stopped and restarted. This control code allows the service to receive SERVICE_CONTROL_PARAMCHANGE notifications. |
| The service can be paused and continued. This control code allows the service to receive SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE and SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE notifications. |
| The service can perform preshutdown tasks. This control code enables the service to receive SERVICE_CONTROL_PRESHUTDOWN notifications. Note thatControlService and ControlServiceEx cannot send this notification; only the system can send it. Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: This value is not supported. |
| The service is notified when system shutdown occurs. This control code allows the service to receive SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN notifications. Note thatControlService and ControlServiceEx cannot send this notification; only the system can send it. |
| The service can be stopped. This control code allows the service to receive SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP notifications. |
This member can also contain the following extended control codes, which are supported only byHandlerEx. (Note that these control codes cannot be sent byControlService or ControlServiceEx.)

Control code | Meaning |
| The service is notified when the computer's hardware profile has changed. This enables the system to send SERVICE_CONTROL_HARDWAREPROFILECHANGE notifications to the service. |
| The service is notified when the computer's power status has changed. This enables the system to send SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT notifications to the service. |
| The service is notified when the computer's session status has changed. This enables the system to send SERVICE_CONTROL_SESSIONCHANGE notifications to the service. |
| The service is notified when the system time has changed. This enables the system to send SERVICE_CONTROL_TIMECHANGE notifications to the service. Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: This control code is not supported. |
| The service is notified when an event for which the service has registered occurs. This enables the system to send SERVICE_CONTROL_TRIGGEREVENT notifications to the service. Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: This control code is not supported. |
| The services is notified when the user initiates a reboot. Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: This control code is not supported. |
The error code the service uses to report an error that occurs when it is starting or stopping. To return an error code specific to the service, the service must set this value to ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR to indicate that the dwServiceSpecificExitCode member contains the error code. The service should set this value to NO_ERROR when it is running and on normal termination.
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A service-specific error code that the service returns when an error occurs while the service is starting or stopping. This value is ignored unless the dwWin32ExitCode member is set to ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR.
The check-point value the service increments periodically to report its progress during a lengthy start, stop, pause, or continue operation. For example, the service should increment this value as it completes each step of its initialization when it is starting up. The user interface program that invoked the operation on the service uses this value to track the progress of the service during a lengthy operation. This value is not valid and should be zero when the service does not have a start, stop, pause, or continue operation pending.
The estimated time required for a pending start, stop, pause, or continue operation, in milliseconds. Before the specified amount of time has elapsed, the service should make its next call to theSetServiceStatus function with either an incremented dwCheckPoint value or a change in dwCurrentState. If the amount of time specified by dwWaitHint passes, and dwCheckPoint has not been incremented or dwCurrentState has not changed, the service control manager or service control program can assume that an error has occurred and the service should be stopped. However, if the service shares a process with other services, the service control manager cannot terminate the service application because it would have to terminate the other services sharing the process as well.
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Minimum supported client | Windows XP [desktop apps only] |
Minimum supported server | Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only] |
Header | winsvc.h (include Windows.h) |
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See also