The easiest way to do this (without changing the environment variables) is: curl -noproxy '.' From the manual: 'The only wildcard is a single. character, which matches all hosts, and effectively disables the proxy.' The. character is quoted so that it. So for a ' FTP://' URL, the ftpproxy is considered. Allproxy is used if no protocol specific proxy was set. If noproxy (or NOPROXY) is set, it is the exact equivalent of setting the CURLOPTNOPROXY option. The CURLOPTPROXY and CURLOPTNOPROXY options override environment variables. For curl request, you can just do this: curl -cacert 'rootCA.crt' Going a step further, if you want to host multiple sites on a port using SNI, you can generate the key for each site, sign the CSR's and use a curl request like below. . Empty reply from server from curl, connecting directly showed all the relevant http headers with the body consisting purely of API Overview
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CURLOPT_PROXY - set proxy to use
#include <curl/curl.h>
CURLcode curl_easy_setopt(CURL *handle, CURLOPT_PROXY, char *proxy);
Set the proxy to use for the upcoming request. The parameter should be a char * to a null-terminated string holding the host name or dotted numerical IP address. A numerical IPv6 address must be written within [brackets].
To specify port number in this string, append :[port] to the end of the host name. The proxy's port number may optionally be specified with the separate option CURLOPT_PROXYPORT. If not specified, libcurl will default to using port 1080 for proxies.
The proxy string may be prefixed with [scheme]:// to specify which kind of proxy is used.
HTTP Proxy. Default when no scheme or proxy type is specified.
HTTPS Proxy. (Added in 7.52.0 for OpenSSL, GnuTLS and NSS)
SOCKS4 Proxy.
SOCKS4a Proxy. Proxy resolves URL hostname. Anydesk down detector.
SOCKS5 Proxy.
SOCKS5 Proxy. Proxy resolves URL hostname.
Without a scheme prefix, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE can be used to specify which kind of proxy the string identifies.

When you tell the library to use an HTTP proxy, libcurl will transparently convert operations to HTTP even if you specify an FTP URL etc. This may have an impact on what other features of the library you can use, such as CURLOPT_QUOTE and similar FTP specifics that don't work unless you tunnel through the HTTP proxy. Such tunneling is activated with CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL.
Setting the proxy string to ' (an empty string) will explicitly disable the use of a proxy, even if there is an environment variable set for it.
A proxy host string can also include protocol scheme (http://) and embedded user + password.
The application does not have to keep the string around after setting this option.
Environment variables
libcurl respects the proxy environment variables named http_proxy, ftp_proxy, sftp_proxy etc. If set, libcurl will use the specified proxy for that URL scheme. So for a 'FTP://' URL, the ftp_proxy is considered. all_proxy is used if no protocol specific proxy was set.
If no_proxy (or NO_PROXY) is set, it is the exact equivalent of setting the CURLOPT_NOPROXY option.
The CURLOPT_PROXY and CURLOPT_NOPROXY options override environment variables.
Default is NULL, meaning no proxy is used.
Curl Proxy Settings
When you set a host name to use, do not assume that there's any particular single port number used widely for proxies. Specify it!
All except file://. Note that some protocols don't do very well over proxy.
Since 7.14.1 the proxy environment variable names can include the protocol scheme.
Since 7.21.7 the proxy string supports the socks protocols as 'schemes'.
Curl Set No Proxy
Knives out don johnson. Since 7.50.2, unsupported schemes in proxy strings cause libcurl to return error.
Returns CURLE_OK if proxies are supported, CURLE_UNKNOWN_OPTION if not, or CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY if there was insufficient heap space.

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cURL by default will ensure each SSL connection to be secure by verifying the SSL Microsoft sculpt ergonomic desktop keyboard. certificate. You'll get SSL error when running cURL against https-based websites using SSL certificates that are either misconfigured, expired, or self-signed.
You can force cURL to ignore SSL certificate errors by using the insecure option. This will skip the SSL verification process and you'll be able to bypass any SSL error that any site might have while still having SSL-encrypted communication.
This is of course not really a secure method but is useful if you trust the website which may or may not be owned by you. This is equivalent to using --no-check-certificate option in wget.
Related: How to ignore SSL certificate error in wget
Steps to disable SSL certificate verification in cURL:
- Use insecure option for curl to ignore SSL certificate error.
- Use shortform insecure option for curl.
- Add insecure to curl config file to apply the option to every SSL connection.
Only use this method in development setting or wherever security is not critical.
- Test against problematic https website again without specifying insecure option.
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