Aluminum Atom

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An aluminium atom has 13 electrons, arranged in an electron configuration of 3s 2 3p 1, with three electrons beyond a stable noble gas configuration. Accordingly, the combined first three ionization energies of aluminium are far lower than the fourth ionization energy alone. But perhaps aluminium's most recognizable incarnation is the aluminium beverage can, hundreds of billions of which are produced annually. Each can's naturally glossy surface makes as an attractive backdrop for the product name, and while its thin walls can withstand up to 90 pounds of pressure per square inch (three times that in a typical car. Coordination number is defined as the total number of surrounding/ neighboring atoms in the crystal structure. Aluminium has FCC close packed structure which is as shown below. 8 atoms at the corner and 6 atoms at the face centers.

Imagine You Are An Aluminum Atom: Discussions With Mr. Aluminum: I have written a book on aluminium. It is my first book and it will almost certainly be my last.

An atom’s atomic number equal to the atom’s number of protons and electrons. For example: Aluminum’s atomic number is 13, thus each aluminum atom has 13 +(protons) and 13- (electrons). The diagram show s the 13 electrons outside and at different distances from the nucleus. The red circle represent the nucleus and the black circles. Aluminium is a chemical element with atomic number 13 which means there are 13 protons and 13 electrons in the atomic structure. The chemical symbol for Aluminium is Al. The atom consist of a small but massive nucleus surrounded by a cloud of rapidly moving electrons. The nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons.

Aluminum Atoms

Pre-publication, the most common question I receive about the book is why I wrote it. I think it began as a reference guide to living in the aluminium age (The Aluminium Age post). An attempt at something akin to frequently answered questions on aluminium and life. Writing the book, putting words on paper, so to speak, changed this. I immediately understood that I could not remove myself from the book. My long affair with aluminium meant that the story had to be personal. I think, I hope, that the reasons for this will become obvious when the book is read.


Aluminum Atomic Symbol

The book is a warning. When Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring it was not as a reference guide to pollution of the environment by pesticides. It was a warning. As I wrote my book, I unravelled forty years of research and revealed, at least to myself, that human exposure to aluminium is the, yet unrecognised, unprecedented threat to the future of mankind. Of course, the rallying cry of all scientists remains in that more research is needed. However, the peer reviewed published science is unequivocal in demonstrating the toxicity of aluminium in all living things including humans. The latter most worryingly exemplified by the concentrations of aluminium found in human brain tissue in Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis and autism to-date (Aluminium in human brain tissue). We have now reached a point where the association of the body burden of aluminium with chronic human disease is unequivocal. We are on a slippery slope and we will continue to slip and slide towards our demise as long as the role, only now, played by biologically reactive aluminium in biochemical evolution remains unchecked. There are solutions and I have written about these in my book. Only the politics of power and high finance prevents ameliorative actions from being taken right now.

I frustrated the publishers of my book by insisting upon a quirky title, ‘Imagine You Are An Aluminium Atom’, they wanted something more digestible (less words) to the book-buying public. I insisted because even though the underlying message of the book is both dark and foreboding, perhaps I should have called it Silent Aluminium, I wanted a title that was peculiar to me (find out why in the book). Books have become integrated into our convenient, throwaway society, the expectation being that, like buses, another will come along in a moment. This book will stand-alone whether it is read or not. It is the story of my life

Aluminum Atomic Mass

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  • Imagine you are an Aluminum Atom - 5th November 2020
  • Aluminium in human brain tissue - 8th May 2020
Fluorine (F) can also bond with aluminum (Al). Aluminum has three extra electrons and will easily let the fluorine atoms use them. Because aluminum has three, that means three fluorines can bond. The make the formula AlF3, also known as aluminum trifluoride. Each of the fluorine atoms gets an electron to fill their shell, and the aluminum loses three, giving it a filled shell too (remember, aluminum has three extra electrons). The name trifluoride means three fluorine atoms are involved.
Chlorine (Cl) can also bond with aluminum (Al). Aluminum has three extra electrons and will easily let the chlorine atoms use them. Because aluminum has three, that means three chlorine atoms can bond. They make the formula AlCl3, also known as aluminum trichloride. Each of the chlorine atoms gets an electron to fill its shell, and the aluminum loses three, giving it a filled shell too (remember, aluminum has three extra electrons). The name trichloride means three chlorine atoms are involved.

Aluminum (Al) and phosphorus (P) can also bond. Aluminum happens to have three extra electrons. Luckily, every phosphorus atom is looking to gain three electrons. It's a perfect match! Something to notice though, look how they have a bond with six electrons. That bond is known as a triple bond. When a bond has two electrons it is a single bond. When a bond has four electrons it is a double bond. Well take a look at the dots and see what a triple bond looks like!